Benefits of using power phrases in your resume


When writing a resume, you want to think about the key words and phrases that will help to attract the attention of employers. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the benefits of using power phrases in your resume, and give you some examples so that you can see what it might look like in practice!

Power phrases and why they are important

When it comes to your resume, using powerful phrases can make a big impact. Not only do they help you sell yourself and your skills, but they can also help you stand out from the competition.

Some power phrases to include in your resume are:

-Achievements: Include any awards or recognition you have received for your work. This will show employers that you are capable of producing high-quality results.

-Skills: List any skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. This could include computer skills, foreign language proficiency, or other abilities that would be an asset to the company.

-Results: Quantify your accomplishments with numbers whenever possible. For example, if you increased sales by 10% at your previous job, be sure to mention that on your resume. This will give employers a concrete idea of the kind of impact you can have on their business.

Including these power phrases on your resume will demonstrate to employers that you are a strong candidate who is capable of delivering results. So make sure to use them judiciously and don’t forget to back up your claims with evidence!

Why you must incorporate power phrases in a CV:

Most people don’t realize the importance of power phrases in their resume. Power phrases are key words or short phrases that convey a specific skill, ability, or accomplishment. They are important because they can help you stand out from the competition and make your resume more easily readable and understandable.

There are many different types of power phrases, but some examples include: “achieved,” “created,” “improved,” “managed,” and “trained.” These words convey a message that you are competent and have experience in the relevant area. In addition, they can also help to fill up space on your resume so that it looks more full and complete.

While there are many different types of power phrases, it’s important to choose ones that are most relevant to the position you are applying for. Including too many power phrases can make your resume look cluttered and difficult to read. Only include power phrases that accurately describe your skills and experience.

If you’re not sure how to incorporate power phrases into your resume, there are many resources available online or through your local library. With a little bit of research, you can find the perfect power phrase to help improve your resume and increase your chances of getting hired!

Examples of power phrases

When it comes to writing a resume, using powerful phrases can make a big difference. Not only do they make your resume more impressive, but they can also help you to stand out from the competition.

Here are some examples of power phrases that you can use in your resume:

“Achieved XYZ goal within budget and ahead of schedule”

“Exceeded expectations by doing ABC”

“Created XYZ process that saved the company time/money”

“Increased sales by X% through innovative marketing campaigns”

“Reduced turnover by implementing new employee retention strategies”

These are just a few examples of the types of power phrases that you can use in your resume. By including these kinds of accomplishments, you’ll be sure to impress potential employers and give yourself a better chance of landing the job you want.

Tips for finding a power phrase that suits you

When you’re looking for a power phrase to use in your resume, it’s important to find one that suits you. Here are some tips to help you find the right fit:

1. Consider your industry and desired position: The language you use in your resume should be tailored to the industry and position you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a job in the tech industry, using jargon-heavy language may be appropriate. However, if you’re applying for a more traditional role, it’s important to use language that is more universally understood.

2. Take into account your experiences and accomplishments: The power phrases you use in your resume should highlight your most impressive experiences and accomplishments. If you don’t have much experience, focus on using phrases that emphasize your skills and potential.

3. Use keywords from the job listing: Many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes before they ever reach a human reader. To ensure your resume makes it through the ATS, include keywords from the job listing in your power phrases. This will help ensure that your resume is properly categorized and ranked by the system.

4. Keep it short and sweet: When it comes to resumes, less is almost always more. Choose power phrases that are concise and impactful, rather than long-winded or overly technical.

5. Don’t overdo it: It’s important to use power phrases sparingly throughout your resume so as not

How to use power phrases in your resume?

When it comes to resumes, using power phrases can help set your resume apart from the rest. Power phrases are keyword-rich phrases that accurately describe your skills and accomplishments. They can be used in various parts of your resume, including the summary, skills, and work history sections.

When used correctly, power phrases can help improve your resume’s readability and make it more likely to catch a hiring manager’s eye. In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to use power phrases in your resume.

Using power phrases in your resume can help you:

-Accurately describe your skills and accomplishments

-Make your resume more readable and engaging

-Highlight keywords that employers are looking for

-Improve your chances of getting noticed by a hiring manager


If you’re looking to improve your resume and stand out from the competition, consider using some of these power phrases. They can help you highlight your skills and accomplishments, and make it clear to employers that you’re the right candidate for the job. With a little bit of effort, you can take your resume from good to great. Give it a try today!