10 Types of Effective Email Marketing


With all the technological advances in digital marketing, you might think that email marketing has already become a thing in the past. Campaigns like content marketing, social media, influencer marketing, video marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) are the newest kids on the marketing block.

However, smart marketers and business owners know that despite all of the existing and upcoming digital marketing strategies, email marketing is one of the best digital marketing channels to use. The numbers related to email marketing also seem to agree. Statistics show that email marketing has:

  • High return of investment with $44 ROI for every dollar spent or an average of 4400%
  • About 3.9 billion users in 2019 and expected to rise to 4.3 billion in 2023
  • 87% of marketers use email marketing to send contents organically
  • There are 81% of SMBs that still rely on email marketing

With all these numbers, you can get how effective email marketing can be to grow your brand, expand your reach, convey your brand message to your target audience, and acquire leads. Email marketing can also be an effective way to deepen your relationship with your target audience.

Email Marketing Types You Can Use To Your Advantage

As an effective strategy, there are many email marketing types that you can leverage to help with your campaigns. Depending on your goals and needs, use the best email marketing model to give you a positive outcome.

1. Welcome Email

The usual forerunner on the list is a welcome email, which helps build a relationship with your audience. It has excellent potential for your open rates. Studies show that welcome email has an average of 82% open rate. This number makes welcome email a great tool to establish your connection with your target market.

Research also shows that only 25% of your leads are sales-ready while the rest are not. So, you must keep in mind not to introduce any product on the first email you send to them. You must build your relationship with them first.

A welcome email is usually sent to your audience when someone signs up on your mailing list, joined your team, or created an account profile. This type of email is straightforward and should be personalized.

2. New Feature Updates

Your customers love brands that let know what is going on. If you have released an update on any of your product offerings or services, you can keep your audience on the loop by sending an email containing new feature updates. This move will make your customers feel important and let them know that you think about them whenever there is an update.

To make it potent, include as many details as possible so your customer will have adequate knowledge with what you offer. This set of information will delight them as it will not leave them hanging for any piece of information from your brand.

3. Order Confirmation Email

An order confirmation email is the type of email you send to your customers after they completed a purchase or transaction. Especially for eCommerce stores, an order confirmation email is a must. It assures your customers that their business undertaking was successful. Aside from confirming orders, this type of email can get the highest open and click-through rates.

Your customers receive many promotional emails every single day, and many of them are left unopened. Order confirmation usually stands out among the rest of the emails and is generally opened by the recipient. This reason makes this type of email bring much potential for your brand. It can help create brand awareness, boost your social media channels, increase revenue by cross-selling and upselling, recapture abandoned carts, and even improve sales through post-order-discounts.

4. Product Feedback Emails

You have to note that when you are offering products or services in your business, you have to keep on evolving and improving your craft. To make it more effective, you need to generate feedback from your customers. While writing reviews may be a bit of a hassle to your customers, another great option would be to get feedback using email. You can send emails to your recipients asking for their two-cents through survey forms and questionnaires. The data you will generate from this strategy will help you open your brand to a new market and income possibilities.

5. Seasonal Emails

Holidays and seasonal events such as Christmas, Mother’s Day, Grandparent’s Day, Easter Sunday or even seasons like spring and summer can be great ways to work on your email campaigns.

You can send personalized emails that contain your best wishes to your audience, but you can also bank on it to drive more engagement and conversion. You can offer special discounts, coupons, or promo codes during these special days to increase your sales.

6. Thank You Messages

A “thank you” email is a great way to engage with your clients and establish your relationship with them. When you reach a milestone, reached another year in the industry, or any random moment worth celebrating, you can send a “thank you” message to your existing clients. You can offer giveaways, discounts, and coupons as part of your gratitude. This email lets your subscriber know they are essential to you, and they are part of your success.

7. Lead-nurturing Emails

You may notice that with the number of your email subscribers, many of them take your emails for granted, never open your emails, and do not even avail of your services or buy your products. While this may dampen your mood, please take this as an opportunity to nurture your relationship with your audience.

You can use lead nurturing emails to capture your subscribers and make them want to connect with you again. These types of emails are targeted, customized, and provide value to your recipients. They are an excellent tool to move your prospective customers down the sales funnel and make a purchase. It educates your leads or prospects of what you can offer and guide them until they are comfortable enough to make their initial purchase.

8. Gift Emails

No one can say no to a freebie. Again, no one. Whomever your audience is or whatever your audience’s interest is,  freebies are always a welcome gift. This tactic is mostly used by marketers to get leads to be part of their emails list. Most often, freebies come in e-books or discount coupons.

For your existing customers, it is always beneficial to give them a gift through emails.  You can send out an email containing offers like discounts on their next purchase or an exclusive freebie when they avail of one of your services again. This email marketing strategy also helps strengthen your relationship with your clients.

9. Re-Engagement Emails

Like lead-nurturing emails, you use re-engagement emails to recapture your audience. It is like an old friend whom you lost touch and trying to rekindle the friendship again.

Most promotional emails, especially those that use generic content, never work. It will not make your crowd engage with you. If you have dormant followers who have abandoned carts ages ago, you may evaluate why did so. They may be unhappy with your prices, or they may found lower prices than what you offer.

To know why most of your subscribers become inactive, you can send polls or surveys to start your re-engagement process. This move will also help you identify areas that you can improve like your pricing, packaging, customer service, after sales service, and more. You can even reach out to your inactive subscribers personally.

10. Newsletters

Perhaps the most popular type of email you can send to your subscribers and newsletters is a great way to promote your blog and your current content. These allow your interested subscribers to check on your regularly, depending on the updates you provide.

Final Thoughts

Email marketing is indeed an excellent way to connect with your audience. It is an effective method in your digital marketing campaign to find leads, nurture relationships with your target market and establish a connection with your audience. With the different types of email marketing you can use depending on your needs, you can always reach the marketing goals you have set.